Māori made easy : for everyday learners of the Māori language. Workbook/Kete. 3

Morrison, Scotty

lang: eng lang: mao 90 pages :
On cover: Only 30 minutes a day!
Contents include: The learning journey -- Dialects -- Week fifteen: Saying where someone is doing something/Using "Kei" to show possession -- Week sixteen: Descriptive sentences -- Week seventeen: More sentences using "he"/Intensifiers -- Week eighteen: Saying if something happens, this is the conseqence -- Week nineteen: Asking and saying when something will happen or take place in the future -- Week twenty: Asking and saying when something happened or took place in the past -- Week twenty-one: More on time/Asking for the cost/Seasons/Weather/Months of the year -- Answers.
In English with exercises in Maori.
Librarian's Miscellania
Scotty Morrison
Location edition Bar Code due date