Heroes & villains


Scieszka, Jon., Stokely, Jeff., Anderson, Laurie Halse

Series: Guys Read Vol: 7
Heroes and villains
ix, 263 pages :
Contents: Before we begin / by Jon Scieszka -- The villain's guide to being a hero / by Christopher Healy -- First crossing / by Pam Munoz Ryan -- Need that dog / by Sharon Creech -- How I became Stink Daley / by Deborah Hopkinson -- The wager / by Cathy Camper and Raul the Third -- Kalash / by Eugene Yelchin -- General Poophead / by Laurie Halse Anderson -- The warrior and the knave / by Ingrid Law -- The hero of the story / by Lemony Snicket -- How my mother was arrested for murder / by Jack Gantos..
Summary: Ten stories of great power and great responsibility.
Guys read ;
v. 7.
Librarian's Miscellania
edited and with an introduction by Jon Scieszka ; stories by Laurie Halse Anderson [and ten others] ; with illustrations by Jeff Stokely
Location edition Bar Code due date
FICTION First edition L17595