The grand genius summer of Henry Hoobler

Shanahan, Lisa

Watson, Judy

203 pages.
ISBN from sticker on back cover.
Summary: It struck Henry that perhaps he was waiting for the exact right moment to be daring and brave. The exact right moment where he felt no worry at all, not one tiny flicker. But what if that moment never came? It's summer holidays and Henry Hoobler is worried about many things: going away to Yelonga, camping in a tent, bugs, spiders, snakes, stingers, blue ringed octopi, tsunamis and sharks. But the thing worrying him most is learning how to ride his new silver bike, without training wheels, in front of his family and friends. Then Henry meets Cassie, who has the clever, funny knack of making everything seem possible and suddenly Henry discovers the way a new friend and unexpected adventure can turn a person inside out like a pocket, into something new.
Librarian's Miscellania
Lisa Shanahan ; illustrations by Judy Watson
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