Real Thing, The

Falkner, Brian

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Only three people in the entire world know the secret formula for Coca-Cola. So, when all three are kidnapped, the giant American corporation is in deep trouble. But the kidnappers didn't count on the extraordinary abilities of Fizzer Boyd from Glenfield High. Soon Fizzer and his friend Tupai White are in the middle of a thrilling adventure, as the search for the missing recipe becomes a matter of life and death. The Real Thing is bestselling and award-winning New Zealand author Brian Falkner's second novel. This fun, action-packed page-turner about superpowers was on the 2005 New Zealand Storylines Notable Junior Fiction Books list. Read about the other strange things happening at Glenfield High in The Flea Thing and The Super Freak. Visit Brian's website to learn more about the author and his books: "The story unfolds at a cracking pace, and is full of intrigue, interesting characters (and names), and large dollops of humour. It has a playful tone that engages the reader and reads well aloud. Like The Real Thing itself, Falkner has hit on a recipe for success in this yarn, one with wide readership appeal. Highly recommended." Magpies magazine "The plot has as many twists and turns as bubbles in a Cola bottle as our intrepid travellers re-enact their own version of an Indiana Jones mystery. This is a rollicking good adventure yarn that is likely to appeal to the middle high school boy as much as the adult who wants a light read." Reading Time magazine "Looking for an extraordinary action book for nine to 12 year olds? Tightly written, with superb teenage characters, and a nail-biting plot, The Real Thing is the perfect book to hand your youngsters when you want to wean them off the television." Wanganui Chronicle "Another excellent children's book from a highly credible, original New Zealand writer." Timaru Herald "The story unfolds at a cracking pace and is full of humourous incident and character." Children's Literature Foundation of NZ "It will have you on the edge of your seat; you won't want to put it down." Wairarapa Times-Age "Falkner has hit on a recipe for success in this yarn, one with wide readership appeal." Jabberwocky
Librarian's Miscellania
Brian Falkner
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NZ author