Rain Fall

West, Ella

On cover: A missing neighbour, a mysterious boy- a murder?
Summary: This morning I'm not running late, like I usually am. Maybe that's why I look in the river, maybe that's why I stop when I see it. It's a coat. Floating. A dark coloured raincoat. I can see the outside of it, the arms spread wide, heading hood-first down the river. And then it starts to rain. 15-year-old Annie just wants to get to school in time for basketball try-outs, but the police have cordoned off her street. How inconvenient! But inconvenience turns to something more serious when the house down the road explodes in a fireball. Annie has known the young man who lives there all her life. Could he possibly be guilty? Or is there something deeper going on? In setting out to find the truth, Annie discovers more than she planned: a handsome new friend, an aptitude for trick riding, and a potentially deadly secret.
Librarian's Miscellania
Ella West
Location edition Bar Code due date
Genre:Mystery and suspense
call #:WES


Date Reviewer Review
29/06/2018 07:17:22Rain Fall, written by the accomplished New Zealand author; Ella West is a book about love, hope and despair, set in the rainy, small town that is Westport. 15 year old Annie wants to get to her basketball game, but all goes downhill when she is told the road is cordoned off. Until they find her missing neighbor, nothing will be normal. And even if they do find him, will life still return to normal? I recommend this quick read as an introduction to the mystery genre for all ages.