Gilda Joyce : the ladies of the lake

Allison, Jennifer

Series: Gilda Joyce Vol: 2
Ladies of the lake
Also published as: Gilda Joyce and the ladies of the lake.
Summary: Gilda is not exactly thrilled when she gets accepted on scholarship to the prestigious Our Lady of Sorrows school for girls. But then she finds out about Dolores Lambert, the ex-pupil who drowned mysteriously in the lake in the grounds of the school. Now Gilda can't wait to start at the school. She plans to begin solving the mystery straight away. But certain people are trying to thwart her investigation. There's the intimidating Ladies of the Lake clique for a start, not to mention eccentric headmistress Ms McCracknell. But Gilda isn't going to let anything get in the way of truth, or the completion of her gothic novel. With so many strings to her bow, Gilda Joyce can't possibly fail - can she?
Gilda Joyce, psychic investigator ;
bk. 2.
Librarian's Miscellania
Jennifer Allison. Gilda Joyce and the ladies of the lake.
Location edition Bar Code due date
FICTION Sleuth ed L17746
Genre:School stories.
Humorous stories.
Supernatural stories.
call #:ALL