Summary: You have to help me. We're not being reformed, we're being brainwashed. Drew, you have to tell Mum and Tony to get me out of here. It's my turn for the treatment next and I'm scared. Please, Please help. Seventeen-year-old Drew Finch is a loner. She'd rather read books than go to a party, she's never felt close to her family and the only way she can express herself is through a number of different internet avatars or personalities that she has created. She doesn't trust anyone or let people get too close because she thinks they will leave her, like her dad did suddenly when she was seven. One day, when Drew is waking home from school she is pulled into an alley by a scared looking woman. The woman tells Drew that her name is Dr Cobey and she has something from Drew's brother, Mason, who was sent to 'The Residential Reform Academy' two months ago. She thrusts a letter into Drew's hand and says she has to go. Now Drew is on a mission to infiltrate the school and uncover its deepest secrets.
Librarian's Miscellania
C.L. Taylor