Looking after your mental health

James, Alice

Stowell, Louie., Leschnikoff, Nancy., Harrison, Freya

Contents: What is mental health? -- Inside your brain -- How do you feel? -- Who are you? -- In the mirror -- Friends -- Family -- Sex and romance -- On the internet -- Difficult times -- Mental health problems -- Depression and anxiety -- Eating disorders -- Finding help.
Summary: The mental health of children and teenagers hits the headlines on a regular basis, with more and more young people reporting mental health difficulties.This book provides a gentle guide to good mental health, with input from experts in both psychology and psychiatry. Learning to protect your own mental health is an important skill for all young people, and this book offers practical tips and information about relationships, body image, social media and many other issues that children and young teenagers face. A helpful book to empower children to take care of themselves, emotionally, and navigate the tricky problems of puberty.
Librarian's Miscellania
Alice James & Louie Stowell ; illustrated by Nancy Leschnikoff & Freya Harrison
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