My life & other weaponised muffins

Bancks, Tristan

Gordon, Gus

Series: My life Vol: 5
My life and other weaponised muffins
Summary: Have you ever been trapped inside a runaway car? Have you broken a world record? Is there someone in your class who will stop at nothing to kiss you? Have you ever tricked your dog into doing your homework? Or found something seriously disgusting in your food? Have you sold head lice for fun and profit? Or has your mum ever used raspberry and white chocolate muffins as weapons of minor destruction? I'm Tom Weekly and all of these things have happened to me. I've captured them here in stories, jokes, cartoons, quizzes and lists. Believe me, real life is weirder than anything you can make up.
Tom Weekly series ;
Librarian's Miscellania
Tristan Bancks ; pics by Gus Gordon
Location edition Bar Code due date
Genre:School stories.
Humorous stories.
call #:BAN