Sylvester, Kevin

Series: MiNRS Vol: 3
MiNRS three
Miners 3
On cover: They are headed home to reveal the truth. At all costs.
Summary: The children of Perses must return to Earth. They defeated Major Kirk Thatcher on their adopted planet, but his evil plans are still unfolding. People need to know the truth. Christopher has a video of Thatcher killing an injured grinder in cold blood. If they can show that to the people of Earth, they might just turn the tide. The MiNRs need to bear witness. A transport ship might get them back home, or it might send them spinning off into the deepest recesses of space. Is it worth the risk? Cracks begin to appear in the group. Darcy refuses to leave Perses, the only home she's ever known. And Pavel's mistrust of the grinders threatens to destroy them all. Once again, Christopher has to make tough choices, choices that will cost them dearly. And even when things seem to be going well, there are hidden dangers.
Librarian's Miscellania
Kevin Sylvester
Location edition Bar Code due date
FICTION First edition L18352