The peculiar incident on Shady Street

Currie, Lindsay

Summary: Tessa Woodward isn't exactly thrilled to move to rainy, cold Chicago from her home in sunny Florida. But homesickness turns to icy fear when unexplainable things start happening in her new house. Things like flickering lights, mysterious drawings appearing out of nowhere, and a crackling noise she can feel in her bones. When her little brother's doll starts crying real tears, Tessa realizes that someone--or something--is trying to communicate with her. And it involves a secret that's been shrouded in mystery for more than one hundred years. With the help of three new friends, Tessa begins unraveling the mystery of what happened in the house on Shady Street--and more importantly, what it has to do with her. (Books in Print)
Librarian's Miscellania
Lindsay Currie
Location edition Bar Code due date
FICTION First Aladdin paperback edition L18395
Genre:Supernatural stories.
call #:CUR