Orphan X

Hurwitz, Gregg Andrew

Series: Orphan X Vol: 1
Summary: 'Do you need my help?' It was always the first question he asked. They called him when they had nowhere else to turn. As a boy he was chosen, then taken from the orphanage he called home. Raised and trained as part of a top-secret programme, he was sent to the worst places in the world to do the things his government denied any knowledge of. Then he broke with the programme, using everything he'd learned to disappear. He wanted to help the desperate and deserving. But now someone is on his tail. Someone who has issues with his past. Someone who knows he was once known simply as Orphan X.
Librarian's Miscellania
Gregg Hurwitz
Location edition Bar Code due date
Genre:Mystery and suspense
call #:HUR