Strictly parenting : everything you need to know about raising school-aged kids

Carr-Gregg, Michael

Tandberg, Ron

Part 1: A developmental perspective: -- 1. What's your parenting style? -- 2. The unfortunate rise of crap parenting -- 3. What every parent needs to know about kids aged 5-12 -- 4. What every parent needs to know about teenagers -- 5. What every parent needs to know about their own issues -- Part 2: My top parenting tips of all time: -- 6. Don't do anything for your children that they can do themselves -- 7. Give your kids a regular dose of vitamin 'N' -- 8. Listen to your children -- 9. Do stuff with your kids -- 10. Handle meltdowns with dignity -- 11. See the glass as half-full -- 12. Stick to routines -- 13. Get a life -- Part 3: An A to Z of parenting stuff.
Summary: The author asks parents to take a good hard look at the way they are parenting - to toughen up and stop trying to be their kids' best friends. He offers practical, evidence-based solutions on how to take back the reins and start making the most of the precious family years. With an A-Z guide covering all the tricky issues that parents encounter over the years - everything from birthday parties and bedtimes to sex and drugs.
Librarian's Miscellania
Michael Carr-Gregg ; illustrations by Ron Tandberg
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