
Palacio, R.J

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27/03/2018 07:02:04I have read this book called Wonder
it is a fiction story about a boy called August who has a deformed face. It is set in school where August starts school for the first time. He goes to middle school and faces many new things; a series of friendships, homework and tests.
I would recommend this book to all ages as it is an awesome book that teaches you to be kind
28/03/2018 14:21:51I read the fiction book, Wonder and it is honestly the best book I have ever read. It is full of drama, mystery and is heartstopping. I would recommend this book to my friends as it is a life changing and teaches you a lot about life, bullying and what can go on with people like Auggie.
27/06/2018 13:56:18This book is about a young boy named August Pullman who suffers from a genetic face mutation. He faces bullies and school for the first time, being called names and being pointed at. Auggie overcomes all of this by showing no matter who you are you can make a difference and overcome anything. I recommend this book to young adults who need/like a heartwarming story, motivation to keep going and anyone who loves a good book.
08/08/2018 07:23:40I would give this book a 4 stars because this story makes you think about not judging someone by how they look. This book is sad but also a very happy ending. I recommend for 10+
02/11/2018 08:47:46 Who doesn't like a bit of tears? Even though it's a bit sad I still love this book - it tells you that don't judge a book by its cover which means don't judge other people by how they look. I give this book 3 stars and I recommend it for 9 year olds and up
13/10/2020 11:30:38SWThe book Wonder has a very inspiring message. August Pullman was born with Treacher Collins syndrome. That is where you have some bones and tissue in your face that aren't developed. This book explains his struggles in life but is mainly about his first year at a proper public school. I love the way the author has written the story so that we get a different characters' view in every section. Sometimes we even get an event that happened from multiple characters view. This is one of the best books that I have ever read and would recommend it to everyone who loves a heartwarming book and a good read.