Puppy love

Russell, Rachel Renee

Series: Dork diaries
Librarian's Miscellania

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04/04/2018 15:09:29I have read a book called Puppy Love, it’s one of the Dork Diairies series.
Puppy Love is a really funny book that I enjoyed reading.
The author, Rachel Renee Russel’s style of writing is funny and relaxed, and that’s one of the reasons it hooks me.
The book Puppy Love is mostly about a girl called Nikki J. Maxwell which is a puppy lover. She tried to hide 7 adorable puppies from her parents, an entire school and a extremely mean girl called Mackenzie out for revenge. Nikki’s life wasn’t that fabulous at all, but she had many surprises.
I will recommend this book to the age 9-13, and I think it’s suitable for girls more. Overall, I loved reading Puppy Love and the other Dork Dairies.