We are the Beaker Girls

Wilson, Jacqueline

Sharratt, Nick

Series: Tracy Beaker ; Vol: 5
Jacqueline Wilson ; illustrated by Nick Sharratt
327 pages
Summary: Jess and Tracy Beaker have found happiness in The Dumping Ground. Not that Dumping Ground - the children's home that Tracy grew up in - but a seaside antique shop full of treasures, along with Flo, the owner, and Alfie, their dog. Jess is looking for a fantastic new boyfriend for her mum (mostly because Tracy's awful ex Sean is back on the scene). But Jess has bigger problems of her own. She's being picked on by a local kid who's got it in for her. But when Jess uncovers the truth about her new enemy, it means big changes for the Beaker Girls
Tracy Beaker ;
Librarian's Miscellania
Location edition Bar Code due date
FICTION First paperback edition L19190