Zero mortal project!

Toriyama, Akira


Series: Dragon ball super ; Shonen jump Vol: 3
eng jpn story by Akira Toriyama ; art by Toyotarou ; translation, Toshikazu Aizawa
205 pages
chiefly illustrations
Reads from right to left
Summary: With the Universe 6 and 7 Invitational Fighting Tournament over, Goku and his friends return to their normal lives. That is, until Future Trunks suddenly appears to warn everyone of a new threat-Goku Black, a mysterious warrior who looks like Goku but isn't him! He's a monster who has wiped out most of Earth and all of the Gods of Destruction and Lords of Lords from all twelve universes. Who is this mysterious man, and will Goku and his friends be able to stop him?!
Rated T for teen Translated from the Japanese
Shonen Jump manga
Dragon ball super ;
Librarian's Miscellania
Location edition Bar Code due date
GRAPHIC NOVEL Shonen Jump manga edition L19390
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