Izuku Midoriya 1

Horikoshi, Kōhei

Cook, Caleb D Hunt, John

Series: My hero academia ; Shonen Jump manga Vol: 1
eng jpn origin
story & art, Kohei Horikoshi ; translation & English adaptation, Caleb Cook ; touch-up art & lettering, John Hunt
187 pages
chiefly illustrations
On cover: Shonen Jump comics Reads from right to left
Summary: Middle school student Izuku Midoriya wants to be a hero more than anything, but he hasn't got an ounce of power in him. With no chance of ever getting into the prestigious U.A. High School for budding heroes, his life is looking more and more like a dead end. Then an encounter with All Might, the greatest hero of them all, gives him a chance to change his destiny
Rated T for teen Translated from the Japanese
Shonen Jump manga
My hero academia ;
Librarian's Miscellania
Location edition Bar Code due date
GRAPHIC NOVEL Shonen Jump manga edition L19378
call #:HOR