The boy born with everything 4

Horikoshi, Kōhei

Cook, Caleb D

Series: My hero academia ; Shonen Jump manga Vol: 4
story & art Kohei Horikoshi ; translation & English adaptation, Caleb Cook
188 pages
chiefly illustrations
Reads from right to left
Summary: What would the world be like if 80% of the population manifested superpowers called 'Quirks'? Heroes and villains would be battling it out everywhere! Being a hero would mean learning to use your power, but where would you go to study? The Hero Academy of course! But what would you do if you were one of the 20% who were born Quirkless? A sinister group of villains has attacked the first-year U.A. students, but their real target is All Might. It's all that Midoriya and his classmates can do to hold them off until reinforcements arrive. All Might joins the battle to protect the kids, but as his power runs out he may be forced into an extremely dangerous bluff! (Books in Print)
Translated from the Japanese
Shonen Jump manga
My hero academia ;
Librarian's Miscellania
Location edition Bar Code due date
GRAPHIC NOVEL Shonen Jump Manga edition L19449
Genre:School stories
call #:HOR