The okay witch

Steinkellner, Emma

by Emma Steinkeller
271 pages
chiefly colour illustrations
Summary: Thirteen-year-old Moth Hush loves all things witchy. But she's about to discover that witches aren't just the stuff of movies, books, and spooky stories. When some eighth-grade bullies try to ruin her Halloween, something really strange happens. It turns out that Founder's Bluff, Massachusetts, has a centuries-old history of witch drama. And, surprise: Moth's family is at the center of it all! When Moth's new powers show up, things get totally out-of-control. She meets a talking cat, falls into an enchanted diary, and unlocks a hidden witch world. Secrets surface from generations past as Moth unravels the complicated legacy at the heart of her town, her family, and herself."--Provided by publisher
Librarian's Miscellania
Location edition Bar Code due date
GRAPHIC NOVEL First Aladdin edition L19472
Genre:Supernatural stories
School stories
call #:STE