Dragonball 3-in-1 edition 4

Toriyama, Akira

Jones, Gerard

Series: Shonen jump
eng jpn a compilation of the graphic novel volumes 10-12
story and art by Akira Toriyama ; translation by Mari Morimoto ; English adaptation by Gerard Jones ; touch-up art & lettering by Wayne Truman
Dragon ball 3-in-1 edition 4 Dragonball 3-in-1 10, 11, 12
535 pages
chiefly illustrations
On spine: 3-in-1, 10, 11, 12 A collection of volumes 10-12: Turtle vs. Crane Japanese style, reads right to left Contents: Volume 10. The 22nd Tenka'ichi Budokai -- Volume 11. The eyes of Tenshinhan -- Volume 12. The demon king Piccolo
Summary: The next Tenka'ichi Budokai martial art tournament is just around the corner, and an eager Son Goku can't wait to face even tougher fighters for the Strongest Under the Heavens title! Among the contestants include pipsqueak Chaozu and three-eyed Tenshinhan, deadly disciples of Tsuru-Sen'nin, the Crane Hermit! As it turns out, Tsuru-Sen'nin is an old rival of Goku's teacher Kame-sen'nin (also known as the Turtle hermit). What's worse, Tsuru-Sen'nin orders Chaozu and Tenshinhan to kill the Kame Sen'nin disciples! Will crane-style kung fu beat out turtle style? As these two martial arts schools duke it out in the tournament ring, things just might turn fatal!
Rated T for teen Translated from Japanese
Shonen Jump manga
Librarian's Miscellania
Turtle vs. crane
Turtle versus crane
22nd Tenka'ichi Budokai
Eyes of Tenshinhan
Demon king Piccolo
Location edition Bar Code due date
GRAPHIC NOVEL Shonen Jump manga omnibus edition L19539
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