Overhaul 14

Horikoshi, Kōhei

Cook, Caleb D

Series: My hero academia ; Shonen Jump manga Vol: 14
eng jpn story & art Kohei Horikoshi ; translation & English adaptation, Caleb Cook
161 pages
chiefly illustrations
Reads from right to left
Summary: Summer vacation is over, and its back to school for the students of U.A. High! But before classes can get started, Midoriya and Bakugo need to settle a beef between them thats been a long time coming. Even if they can get past this bump in the road on the way to becoming superheroes, the hurdles will just keep getting higher and higherthe hero work studies in the upcoming year will bring them even closer to their goalor their destruction!
Rated T for teen Translated from the Japanese
Shonen Jump manga
My hero academia ;
Librarian's Miscellania
Location edition Bar Code due date
GRAPHIC NOVEL Shonen Jump Manga edition L19571
call #:HOR