School festival start!! 20

Horikoshi, Kōhei

Cook, Caleb D

Series: My hero academia ; Shonen Jump manga Vol: 20
eng jpn story & art Kohei Horikoshi ; translation & English adaptation, Caleb Cook
175 pages
chiefly illustrations
Reads from right to left
Summary: With All Might in retirement, Endeavor takes up the mantle of number one hero, a position he's coveted for years. But now that he has it, he's not entirely comfortable with the responsibilities and risks that come with it - both heroes and villains are always gunning for number one. What does the future hold for Midoriya, and what do his dreams about One For All mean?
Rated T for teen Translated from the Japanese
My hero academia ;
Shonen Jump manga
Librarian's Miscellania
Location edition Bar Code due date
GRAPHIC NOVEL Shonen Jump manga edition L19622
call #:HOR