Mr. Lemoncello and the titanium ticket

Grabenstein, Chris

Series: Mr. Lemoncello ; Vol: 5
Chris Grabenstein
274 pages
Summary: Far away from his magical library, everyone's favorite game maker, Luigi Lemoncello, is building something new. Something secret. And he's about to let the world see it. He'll reveal that hidden deep within the Lemoncello-tastic new building is a single ticket. A titanium ticket. Four lucky boys and girls are about to win the chance to go inside the building on a spectacular scavenger hunt that will take them through bigger-than-life live-action games--towering, skyscraper-size Jenga; dizzying real-life Chutes and Ladders; death-defying games of Rush Hour; plus ball pit moats and more! Each game will get the players closer to the titanium ticket. But the real secret? Mr. Lemoncello is thinking about his legacy, and whichever player finds the ticket will be the first to win a spot in an elite group of kids who will compete in the next books to win Mr. Lemoncello's entire empire! (Publisher)
Mr. Lemoncello series ;
Librarian's Miscellania
Location edition Bar Code due date
FICTION First edition L19699
call #:GRA