Spy Camp

Gibbs, Stuart

Series: A spy school novel ; Vol: 2
Stuart Gibbs
321 pages
Summary: Ben Ripley is spending the summer at Spy Camp, the top secret outdoor education facility of Ben's school, the Academy of Espionage. But any hopes he has for a relaxing break are quickly dashed when SPYDER resurfaces - and this time, the evil organization is targeting Ben himself. It isn't long before Ben finds himself on the run in the wilderness with both Erica and Alexander Hale in tow. Can they survive long enough to figure out SPYDER's fiendish plot this time?
Spy school ;
Librarian's Miscellania
Location edition Bar Code due date
FICTION First Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers paperback edition L19719
Genre:School stories
Mystery and suspense stories
Humorous stories
call #:GIB