
Key, Watt

face-to-face with the Florida Bigfoot
Watt Key
224 pages
Summary: Adam says he can't remember where he was for the two months he went missing in a Florida swamp. That's not true. He does remember. He also hasn't forgotten why he went into the swamp in the first place: One night, he was driving with his parents and the car crashed when his father swerved to avoid colliding with a giant Sasquatch-like creature standing in the highway. Haunted by his parents' subsequent disappearance and hounded for claiming to have seen Bigffot, Adam sets off into the deadly wilderness on a hunt for answers as to what really happened that night. The answers he finds are more terrifying -- and more surprising -- than he could have imagined. Adam can only wish he didn't remember anything at all
Librarian's Miscellania
Location edition Bar Code due date
FICTION First Square Fish edition L19756
Genre:Adventure stories
call #:KEY