We can deal with bullying!

Dawson, Gina

Bouman, Kate

empowerment for young people
Gina Dawson ; illustrated by Kate Bouman
62 pages
colour illustrations
Contents: What is bullying? -- A victim or a target -- Bullying can happen anywhere! -- No one likes a bully! -- Some of the reasons people choose to bully -- Anyone can be a target! -- Bullies need a reaction to feel good -- A friendly talk with the bully -- Talking firmly to the bully -- Bystanders -- Ways to be an upstander -- Support the target -- Physical bullying -- Threats and blackmail -- Verbal -- Being excluded -- Nasty and demeaning -- Rumours and gossip -- Sexual -- Cyberbullying -- Sexting
Summary: Whether it is a schoolyard bully, or the more secretive cyberbully, young people affected by bullying may feel afraid of ashamed and may even believe they are in some way responsible of helpless to stop it. Former teacher and counsellor, Gina Dawson debunks these beliefs and encourages young people to ask for help, maintain self-esteem, develop resilience, manage their reactions and stand united with others against bullying
Librarian's Miscellania
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