Just roll with it

Durfey-Lavoie, Lee

Agarwal, Veronica

written by Lee Durfey-Lavoie ; illustrated by Veronica Agarwal
318 pages
colour illustrations
Summary: Starting middle school is hard enough when you don't know anyone; it's even harder when you're shy. A contemporary middle-grade graphic novel about how dealing with anxiety and OCD can affect everyday life. As long as Maggie rolls the right number, nothing can go wrong ... right? Maggie just wants to get through her first year of middle school. But between finding the best after-school clubs, trying to make friends, and avoiding the rumored monster on school grounds, she's having a tough time ... so she might need a little help from her twenty-sided dice. But what happens if Maggie rolls the wrong number? (Publisher)
Librarian's Miscellania
Location edition Bar Code due date
GRAPHIC NOVEL First edition L19905
Genre:School stories
call #:DUR