
Leyh, Kat

Kat Leyh
223 pages
chiefly colour illustrations
Summary: Snap's town has a witch. At least, that's how the rumor goes. But in reality, Jacks is just a crocs-wearing, internet-savvy old lady who sells roadkill skeletons online -- after doing a little ritual to put their spirits to rest. It's creepy, sure, but Snap thinks it's kind of cool, too. They make a deal: Jacks will teach Snap how to take care of the baby opossums that Snap rescued, and Snap will help Jacks with her work. But as Snap starts to get to know Jacks, she realizes that Jacks may in fact have real magic -- and a connection with Snap's family's past
Ages: 8-14
Librarian's Miscellania
Location edition Bar Code due date
GRAPHIC NOVEL First edition L20039
Genre:Supernatural stories
call #:LEY