My hero

Horikoshi, Kōhei.

Cook, Caleb D. Hunt, John.

Series: My hero academia ; Vol: 9
engjpn story & art, Kohei Horikoshi ; translation & English adaptation, Caleb Cook ; touch-up art & lettering, John Hunt.

163 pages :

chiefly illustrations.
On cover: Shonen Jump comics.Reads from right to left.
Summary: It's off to summer camp for Midoriya and the U.A. students! But this is no ordinary vacation - it's high-impact training where the students are expected to develop their Quirks even further! The teachers have set up some tough challenges, but none will be as difficult and as life changing as the threat a new group of enemies poses. What's even worse is who the villains' target is and why.
Rated T for teen.Translated from Japanese.
My hero academia ;
Librarian's Miscellania
Location edition Bar Code due date
GRAPHIC NOVEL Shonen Jump manga edition. L20537
Graphic Novel
School stories.
call #:HOR