Stay where you are

Glensor, Patricia.

Batt, Elspeth Alix. New Zealand. Ministry of Education.

Series: Ready to read
an overview of findings from the third cycle of the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) /
Megan Chamberlain.
Progress in International Reading Literacy Study 2010/11 in New Zealand
1 online resource :

Originally published: 2013.Archived by the National Library of New Zealand in PDF (219 pages).Website catalogued: 9 May 2014.
by Tricia Glensor ; illustrated by Elspeth Alix Batt.

8 pages :

colour illustrations.
New Zealand author; New Zealand illustrator.Running words: 192.Teacher support material and audio for the text are available online at text is levelled at Blue 2.
Summary: Jessie's family is going for a walk in the bush, but Jessie wanders off the track as she follows a fantail. When she looks back to tell Mum and Dad about the fantail, they are not there. Jessie realises that she is lost and asks the fantail if it is lost too. She explains to the fantail that they need to stay where they are until they are found. This story provides opportunities for students to make inferences, form and test hypotheses, and think critically about keeping safe in the bush.

Ready to read.
Librarian's Miscellania
Location edition Bar Code due date
READERS Revised edition. L20665
READERS Revised edition. L20666
READERS Revised edition. L20667
READERS Revised edition. L20668
READERS Revised edition. L20669