Tracks in the snow

Bledsoe, Lucy Jane

Lucy Jane Bledsoe.

152 pages.

Summary: When Erin and Tiffany are caught in a blzzard in the middle of the forest, their goal is simple: survival. But not only are they lost without proper equipment, they barely know each other. In fact, this is the first time they've ever spent time together. Tiffany is Erin's new science partner, and they're in the woods to do a project on animal tracks -- or so Erin tells Tiffany to get her to go into the woods with her. The true reason for going is that Erin's babysitter, Amy, is missing, an no one believes that Amy might be in trouble. But trying to save Amy means Erin will risk her own life -- and Tiffany's. Is taking matters into her own hands truly worth it?
Librarian's Miscellania
Location edition Bar Code due date
FICTION First edition. L21155
Genre:Adventure stories
call #:BLE