Ko Aotearoa te turangawaewae

Paruru, Faith-Amoure

Riley, DavidConroy, AnetKaramaina, Tane

engmao Aotearoa is my place of standing /
written by Faith-Amoure Paruru [and fourteen others] ; with Anet Conroy and David Riley ; translated into te reo Maori by Tane Karamaina.
Aotearoa is my place of standing
66 pages :

colour illustrations.

Summary: Fifteen Maori young people worked with teacher-writer David Riley, to bring you this book. The stories they've written demonstrate their immense pride in being Maori. You'll read about beloved ancestors, the importance of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, whakairo, how to catch kina, their love for their language, dance, and culture, and their dreams of a great future. Come and share the beauty of Te Ao Maori with them. (Publisher)
Parallel text in English and Maori.
Librarian's Miscellania
Location edition Bar Code due date
NON-FICTION First edition. L21167
NON-FICTION First edition. L21168