A work in progress

Lerner, Jarrett

Jarrett Lerner.

361 pages :

Content Warning: This story contains content that may be triggering for some readers, including, but not limited to, depictions of body shaming, body dysmorphia, binge eating, food restriction, and disordered eating. Please be aware, read with care, and, if needed, refer to the resources listed on page 360.
Summary: Will is the only round kid in a school full of string beans. So he hides in baggy jeans and oversized hoodies, in the back row during class, and anywhere but the cafeteria during lunch. But shame isn't the only feeling that dominates Will's life. He's also got a crush on a girl named Jules who knows he doesn't have a chance with, string beans only date string beans, but he can't help wondering what if? Will's best shot at attracting Jules's attention is by slaying the Will Monster inside him by changing his eating habits and getting more exercise. But the results are either frustratingly slow or infuriatingly unsuccessful, and Will's shame begins to morph into self-loathing. As he resorts to increasingly drastic measures to transform his appearance, Will meets skateboarder Markus, who helps him see his body and all it contains as an ever-evolving work in progress.
Librarian's Miscellania
Location edition Bar Code due date
SENIOR FICTION First Aladdin paperback edition. L21189
Genre:School stories
Verse novels
call #:LER